Introduction Mikrotik ( pengenalan mikrotik ) Skip to main content

Introduction Mikrotik ( pengenalan mikrotik )

LAB 1 Introduction Mikrotik
We will Introduce What the meaning of Mikrotik ???
The Purpose of this learning
  1. To introduce what is the meaning of MikroTik
  2. To know what is the history of MikroTik
  3. To know the features that exist in MikroTik
  4. To know type or model of RouterBoard
Introduction with Mikrotik, What is the mikrotik?

          MikroTik it self is an operating system for the needs of the router that is installed on the computer so that the computer can control or regulate the course of the data on the network. There are several operating systems owned utility as a router, one of the popular operating system router and has the advantage of user convenience is MikroTik RouterOS.

And it is device of mikrotik

History of Mikrotik:
             In 1996 John and Arnis start with Linux and MS DOS system combined with the technology of Wireless LAN (W-LAN) AERONET speed of 2Mbps in Moldova. Only then serve five customers in Latvia, because their ambition is to create a software router reliable and distributed throughout the world. The basic principle MikroTik not make the Wireless ISP (WISP), but it makes the program a router that is reliable and can run around the world. Until now, MikroTik has served about four hundred customers.
             Linux which they use first is Kernel 2.2 which was developed jointly with the help of 5-15 people R & D staff Mikrotik who now rule the world routing in developing countries. In addition to the staff in the Mikrotik, according to Arnis, they recruit well freelance personnel and third parties to develop Mikrotik intensive marathon
Type Of Mikrotik

  • MikroTik RouterOS
MikroTik RouterOS is the operating system that can run on a PC and make the PC as a reliable network router. For MikroTik installation, do not require additional devices or additional components. To donwload the ISO version MikroTik, can access the If we install MikroTik to PC, we are given 24 hours to immediately purchase a license MikroTik. For PC specifications, superior to RouterBoard.

  • MikroTik RouterBoard
MikroTik RouterBoard is a mini PC that is integrated as a board formed then contained in the processor, RAM, ROM, and flash memory. A RouterBoard already installed the operating system and existing MikroTik license itself. RouterBoard as well as RouterOS ie as a router but RouterBoard designed with small but with a specification that is. In naming RouterBoard is a version or there is a meaning.

The naming of RouterBoard
In the naming RB, there is the 3-digit number that is,
- The first digit is digit to distinguish the series
- The second digit is digit indication of the number of ports wired (Ethernet)
- The third digit is indicative of the number of wireless interfaces
- Name, if the board has a change in the hardware (such as a different CPU) version name will be added at the end of its type name
- Special type, such as the series MikroTik RouterBoard 600, 800, 1000, 1100, 1200, 2011 has its own type or have a port number more than 9, so that his name be simplified using a number of hundred or year of manufacture

The features of RouterBoard
After the 3-digit number, then there are features of the RB
- U is a USB
- P is the power injection with controller
- I, single port power injection without controller
- A memory that is more Besai (and also usually higher license level)
- H is more powerful CPU
- G is using Gigabit Ethernet
- L is saving package or lite edition
- S is SPF port (legacy usage - SwitchOS devices)
- E is a PCIe interface card extention
- X is "N" is the number of CPU cores (x2, x16, x36)
- RB (RouterBoard)
- 750, Type series to 7 with 5 ethernet port and no wireless interface

- RB (RouterBoard)
- 750, Type series to 7 with 5 ethernet port and no wireless interface
- GL, Using Gigabit Ethernet and serial thrifty.

If the RB has a built-in Wireless, then the additional features the format as follows:

- 5 is 5Ghz
- 2 is 2.4Ghz
- 52 is dual band 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz

Power per chain
- (Not used) is "Standart" <23dbm 6mbps="" 802.11a="" 802.11g="" at="" br="" dbm=""> - H is "High" 23-24dBm at 6Mbps 802.11a; 24-27dBm at 6Mbps 802.11g
- HP is "High Power" 25-26dBm 6Mbps 802.11a; 28-29dBm at 6Mbps 802.11g
- SHP is "Super High Power" 27+dBm at 6Mbps 802.11.a; 30+dBm at 6Mbps 802.11g

- (Not used) is for the network card only supports 802.11a/b/g
- n can support with 802.11.n
- ac can support with 802.11ac

Number of chain
- (Not used) is single chain
- D is dual chail
- T is triple chain
Example :
- RB (RouterBoard)
- 912 is the type of series 1 to 9 with 2 ethernet ports and wireless interface (built-in and miniPCIe)
- UAG that has a USB port, a larger memory and Gigabit Ethernet ports
- 5HPnD that has a built-in high power dual chain 5GHz wireless card and support with 802.11n

Feature who there in Microtik RouterBoard, toko bunga taman mini 

  • Address List
  • Asynchronous
  • Bonding
  • Bridge
  • Data Rate Management
  • DHCP
  • Firewall dan NAT
  • Hotspot
  • M3P
  • MNDP
  • Monitoring / Accounting
  • NTP
  • Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
  • Proxy
  • Routing
  • SDSL
  • Simple Tunnel
  • SNMP
  • Synchronous
  • Tool
  • UPnP
  • VLAN
  • Voip
  • VRRP
  • Winbox


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