How to Installation Mikrotik by Qemu ( cara instal mikrotik dengan qemu ) Skip to main content

How to Installation Mikrotik by Qemu ( cara instal mikrotik dengan qemu )

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  • The Purpose
  1.   To know the steps to make qemu disk image in GNS3
  2.  To find out how to use qemu in GNS3
  3. To find out how to install MikroTik via qemu

  • The basic concept
         It has been many are installing the MikroTik use qemu in GNS3. Because, GNS3 is easier to use and can create in order to better understand the network topology. In GNS3, there is a software called QEMU. So far, we make use of Virtual Box Virtualization, VMWare, etc. Qemu can for virtualization but is usually used in MikroTik qemu, Juniper, etc.
To create a disk image MikroTik, use the command CMD. After creating a disk image MikroTik, then install MikroTik use qemu. To install MikroTik also use the cmd command. After that, the image Mikrotik must be deployed to GNS3 and to run it using GNS3.

  • Configuration
Here are the steps to make qemu MikroTik in GNS3.
Before opening cmd, copy ISO MikroTik prior to installation GNS3 location and go to the folder qemu version 2.1.0. Run cmd to run the Administrator

Go to programs GNS3 installation and entry into qemu version 2.1.0. Then create a disk image MikroTik. After that, run a disk image that has been created and includes MikroTik ISO that are copied

After that, we select what features you want to install. To select all press "a" and if you want to choose a package, press "space". If you have selected a package you want to install, press "i". If you really want to install press "y". Appears warnings All data on the disk will be erase all then press "y". In summary is "aiyy" If all the packages you want installed.

After installation is complete, press "Enter" to restart and closing qemu window.'

Open GNS3 and click on "Edit > Preferences"

Click the Qemu VMs and click new to deploying the image previously created. Then fill qemu name then click "Next"

Use qemu 32-bit system, because previously when we use 32 bits. Then "Next"toko bunga di tambun

After that, input the image has been created and installed. Then "Finish"

After that, replace the symbols used in a "Right-click > Chane the symbol and then find a logo the router" and then "Ok"


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